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Red Seal Homes’
offices are located
in The Nations.
RSH office in the nations 2023 choice awards

3D renderings of townhomes are displayed on this site. Actual buildings may vary with construction.

A RED SEAL HOMES community.

All site content and images are ©2024 Red Seal Homes. All rights reserved. 
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Use all your senses to buy the right townhome. 

You look for a new home with your eyes. Makes sense, but here are some suggestions to help you open your eyes, ears, hands and heart to make sure you find the perfect townhome. At Red Seal Homes, we believe that makes all the difference in the world!

Table tent card with an "eye" visual with copy encouraging people to "look" and sense the details in their townhome
Table tent card with a "reaching hand" visual with copy encouraging people to "feel" and sense the details in their townhome

Buying a townhome is a BIG decision. Which is why you should look beyond location, floorplan, amenities and decor and also pay attention to the LITTLE details. Small clues can tell you if your new townhome is built with care, consistency and quality.

Senses attention to detail
Table tent card with an "ear" visual with copy encouraging people to "listen" and sense the details in their townhome
Table tent card with an "open mouth" visual with copy encouraging people to "taste" and sense the details in their townhome
Senses consider the view
Senses more modern decking
Table tent card with a "thinking brain" visual with copy encouraging people to look for "insight" and sense the details in their townhome

Buy the townhome that looks, sounds, smells, tastes and feels right to you.